View Submissions
- Precondition: A submission must be prepared and the assigned step completed.
- Methods to View Submissions:
- Notification Center (In-app):
- Click a notification (e.g., “All Completed”).
- Navigate to the submission view.
2. Notification Center (Mobile Push):
- Click the push notification (e.g., “All Completed”).
- Navigate to the submission view.
3. To-Do Section:
- Go to Ongoing or Done tab.
- Click a submission to open it.
4. Select a form template to open the data table.
- Each row represents a submission and displays its reference number and answers.
- Click a row to open a side menu preview.
Side Menu:
- Navigate submissions using arrows
- Change version with the dropdown button.
- Click Download to save as a PDF.
- Click More for actions: Edit submission, Download, Move to trash.
- Click Open In New to view submission in a larger window.
5. Hover Submission Row:
- Hover a submission row in the data table to reveal the Open In New icon.
- Click to open the submission in a larger view.
- Larger View:
- Navigate submissions with arrows.
- Change version via dropdown.
- Download, edit, or move to trash using the More menu.
- View progress, details, and history in the left-hand side menu.
- Check Submission Progress
- Open the Progress tab in the side menu.–Confirm the progress is synced with the expected workflow.