Leave an account or a project

Leave an account

If you're ready to log out of your GoBuid account, here's how:          

  1. Click on the GoBuid logo: When you're ready to log out of your GoBuid account or leave a specific project or account, start by clicking on the GoBuid logo.
  2. Access Profile Settings: After clicking on the GoBuid logo, you should be redirected to your profile settings page.
  3. Select " Remove me from this account {Company name}: Within your profile settings or on the dropdown menu, look for an option that says "Remove me from this account {Company name}." The company name will typically be the name of the specific account or project you are part of.
  4. Confirmation Prompt: After selecting the "Remove me from this account" option, a confirmation prompt will likely appear on the screen. This prompt is a reminder that by removing yourself, you will not be able to log in to this account in the future unless you are re-invited. This action is usually irreversible.
  5. Choose an Option:
  • "Yes, remove me completely": If you are sure you want to leave the account or project, click this option. This confirms your decision to leave the account.
  • "Cancel": If you've changed your mind or do not wish to leave the account at this time, click "Cancel" to exit the confirmation prompt without making any changes.

Remember, managing your profile settings in GoBuid is easy and allows you to personalize your experience within the platform. If you have any further questions or encounter any issues, don't hesitate to contact our support team.

Leave a project

  1. Login to the Project Page Access the Project: Navigate to the project you want to leave. 
  2. Find Project Settings or Options: Look for options related to the project's settings or your participation in the project. Click the "...." icon. 
  3. You can see popup information. Click "Leave the Project." 
  4. And you’ll successfully leave the project, without any confirmation.
  5. Confirm or Cancel: At this point, you'll typically have two options: 
  • Confirm: If you are sure you want to leave the project
  • Cancel: If you change your mind or don't want to leave the project, click the "Cancel" button to exit the confirmation prompt without making any changes.