Annual or Monthly Subscription

Access and Roles

  • Only users with the Admin role can access the Billing page and past invoices.

Free Trial

  • Free Trial: All users receive a 30-day free trial upon registration.

Annual Payment

  • Payment Date: The billing date is assigned based on the subscription date and lasts for a full year. For example:
    • If a user subscribes on May 20, 2024, the subscription period will be until May 19, 2025.
  • Initial Payment: Charged for the full year upon subscription.
  • Subsequent Payments: Prepaid annually on the anniversary of the subscription date.

Monthly Payment

  • Initial Payment: A pro-rated amount is charged for the current month.
  • Subsequent Payments: Prepaid on the last day of the previous month (e.g., March 31st for April).

Adding and Removing Users (Monthly Plan)

  • Adding Users: Pro-rated amount charged for new users. Renewal amount is based on the total number of users on the last day of the previous month.
  • Removing Users: No refunds for prepaid amounts. The total number of users is tallied on the last day of the previous month for the next month’s pre-payment.

User Count Thresholds

  • GoBuid Pro Plan: Applied if there are fewer than 20 unique users.
  • GoBuid Pro Plus Plan: Applied if there are 20 or more unique users.

Adding Users (Annual Plan)

  • Pro-rated based on the activation date of the annual plan. New users added throughout the year are pro-rated until the end of the annual billing cycle.

Auto Renewal

  • Renewal is based on the total number of users in the account on the last day of the previous month.

User Seats

  • Annual Subscription Cost: Based on the number of active users at the time of subscription.
  • Adding Users: Charged on a pro-rated basis for the remainder of the year, billing occurs on the same day they are added.
  • Deactivating Users: Frees up a seat for a replacement. Subscription cost adjusts based on the current number of active users upon auto-renewal.

Downgrades and Refunds

  • Annual Subscriptions: Non-refundable. Users retain access until the renewal date upon cancellation.
  • Monthly Subscription Switch: Possible when the yearly subscription ends.
  • Plan Downgrade: Allowed from Premium Annual to Pro Annual at the end of the yearly subscription.